Online/Classroom Dangerous Goods Trainings

Online/Classroom Dangerous Goods Trainings;

The training categories according to IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (IATA DGR) and are shown in the IATA DGR Table 1.5.A.

Here you can find detailed information on the training categories, such as:

  • Duration of training
  • General information
  • Training content

Training Category:

  1. Shippers and persons undertaking the responsibilities of shippers’, including operator’s staff acting as shippers, operator’s staff preparing dangerous goods as Company Materials (COMAT)
  2. Packers
  3. Staff of freight forwarders involved in processing dangerous goods
  4. Staff of freight forwarders involved in processing cargo or mail (other than dangerous goods)
  5. Staff of freight forwarders involved in the handling, storage and loading of cargo or mail
  6. Operator’s and ground handling agent’s staff accepting dangerous goods
  7. Operator’s and ground handling agent’s staff accepting cargo or mail (other than dangerous goods)
  8. Operator’s and ground handling agent’s staff involved in the handling, storage and loading of cargo or mail and baggage
  9. Passenger handling staff
  10. Flight crew members, loadmasters, load planners and flight operations officers/flight dispatchers
  11. Crew members (other than flight crew members)
  12. Security staff who deal with the screening of passengers and their baggage and cargo or mail, e.g. security screeners, their supervisors and staff involved in implementing security procedures


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